Information on how to read and understand your monthly statement.
On the 28th of each month you will receive a monthly statement showing all activity on your account for the month.
- Opening balance: This is the balance on your account at the beginning of the statement period. If that balance appears in parentheses this means you have an amount on deposit or a credit on your account.
- Payments: This will list the payment type, a list of amounts that were applied to invoices and any unallocated amount. On the right it shows the full amount of the payment.
- Invoices: The dates of any invoices, the invoice details, the quantity, the unit price and the total amount for the invoice.
- Totals in Period: This gives you the final total of all payments and invoices during the statement period. A balance in parentheses means that more money was received that was due for the month.
- Closing balance: This is your current balance as of the statement date. If the balance says On deposit and appears in parentheses this means you currently have a credit on your account that will be applied towards your next invoice.
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